Author Guidelines
Economics Literature accepts original manuscripts in Turkish/English for publication. Please submit your submission by registering and logging into this website. This journal does not charge any fees for article submission, processing, or publication.
Submitted manuscripts should respect the content, structure, length and format conditions described below. Manuscript submitted to the Economics Literature will first be considered by the Editorial team to see if meets the minimum standards and the scope of the journal. If Editorial Team decides that it does, the manuscript will go through a double-blind review process, where at least two anonymyous experts will analyze the manuscript. The final decision for acceptance of the manuscript will be made by Editorial Team based on the reports of the reviewers. Please also visit our journal's "Publication Ethics and Malpractice" page for additional information on code of practice guides that we commit to follow and expect our authors to follow.
Articles in Turkish/English are accepted. Articles should be submitted online through the Journal’s submission system. Submissions must consist of MS Office Word files.
The submission should include three files: a Title Page file, a Cover Letter file and the main text of the manuscript (Article Text). The title page should include: the title of the manuscript, the abstract, JEL codes, keywords and author information. Author information must include: names of all authors, a clear specification of the corresponding author, institutional affiliations of all authors and communication information (snail and electronic mail addresses). The cover letter should address the editorial board and highlight the contribution of the submitted article and why it merits publication.
Main texts of submissions should adhere to the following submission formatting rules:
- All the text should use Times New Roman fonts sized 12. Font size exceptions are available for titles. All text should be typed 1.15 spaced.
- Manuscripts should start with the title (Times New Roman, size 14, bold, centered, first letter of every word capital).
- Title should be followed by an abstract (Times New Roman, size 12, italic, single spaced; at most 250 words)
- Abstract should be folowed three to five JEL codes and three to five keywords.
- Page numbers should be added at the bottom, center.
- Manuscript should start on the second page.
- All text must adhere to the following main body format: Times New Roman, size 12, 1.15 spaced.
- Section and subsection headings must be numbered sequentially. Section headings should be: Times New Roman, size 12, bold, first letter of every word capital. Subsection headings should be Times New Roman, size 12, bold and italic, first letter of first word capital.
- Tables and Figures should be numbered sequentially. Their titles (captions) should be short, clear and precise. Relevant sources should be acknowledged. Datasource used for the preparation of the table or the figure should be stated under the table or the figure.
- Table captions should be above the table, format: Times New Roman, size 12, first letter of first word capital. Table body text should be: Times New Roman, size 12, single spaced.
- Figure captions should be below the figure; format: Times New Roman, size 12, first letter of first word capital.
- Equations should be numbered. Equation numbers should appear at the right margin, in paranthesis.
- Footnotes should be evaded, and used only if absolutely necessary. Any relevant information should be embedded in text rather than in a footnote. If used, footnotes should be numbered and each should be at the bottom of each page.
- Bulleting should be evaded, and used only if absolutely necessary.
- References should be presented on a seperate page. References and citations should follow the APA rules and guidelines. DOI numbers of the references must be given if available.
- Use of appendices should be minimised.
- In cases where the derivation of formulas has been abridged, the full derivation must be presented as an appendix for referee use (The derivations are normally not to be published, unless deemed necessary during the review process).
- The text MUST be a blind copy. That is, the submitting author(s) names must be removed from the main text. The author's name has also been removed from the document's Properties, is found in the File menu of Microsoft Word.
- Additionally, brief of dissertations must be 1000-1500 words and book reviews must be 3000-5000 words.
- Short communications are limited to 3000 words and are not subdivided. The paper should contain an abstract, main body and references, and contain no more than 6 figures or tables, combined. The abstract is limited to 100 words. As it is known, short communications are short papers that present original and significant material for rapid dissemination. For example, a short communication may focus on a particular aspect of a problem or a new finding that is expected to have a significant impact. Short communication include, but are not limited to: discovery or development of new materials, cutting-edge experiments and theory, novelty in simulation and modeling, elucidation of mechanisms, etc.
Please note that these are the submission format rules. If a paper has been accepted for publication, the author(s) are expected to send the graphs in PNG format and the tables in EXCEL format. Submitting authors are recommended to prepare these files, but should not upload unless required explicitly by the Editors.