Modeling Climate Change Impact on Health and Population Migration: A Systematic Review

Keywords: Climate change, health, migration, modeling, systematic review


In addition to the many economic consequences, climate change alters migration and human health. However, while there are many models in the literature to analyze the economic shocks of climate change, authors still face many difficulties in finding appropriate models for studying the migration and health consequences related to climate change. In this article, a systematic review method is utilized to examine the modeling techniques used in studies about the influences of climate change on migration and health in recent literature. A total of 32 published studies in the last 20 years are reviewed with a focus on the modeling techniques using to study the relationship between climate change, migration, and health. The results of our analysis show that linear regression models, general equilibrium models, agent-based models, and Bayesian models are among the most widely used models in the literature of climate change effect on health and population displacements. In addition, the temperature level, the rainfall quantity, and air quality are the most used climatic change indicators in empirical studies. Moreover, the empirical findings of the review indicate that climate change will increase population mobility and increase the risk of diseases such as malaria, asthma and gastric diseases. It is also estimated that climate change will increase temperature-related death.


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How to Cite
Zanhouo, D. A. K., & Nana, A. B. I. (2019). Modeling Climate Change Impact on Health and Population Migration: A Systematic Review. conomics iterature, 1(1), 51-65.