Yeni Kapitalizm ve Türkiye'de Tarım Sektörünün Dönüşümü

Keywords: New Capitalism, Liberalization, Agricultural Policies, Capitalism in Agriculture, Transformation of Labor


The 1980s are a new era that indicates that capitalism has entered a new phase in the world. This new situation, which is named with concepts such as neo-liberalism or globalization, has influenced the whole world through international organizations, and especially underdeveloped and developing countries that were not included in the capitalist system were tried to be included in this system with neo-liberal policy proposals. In Turkey, since 1980, it has been implemented neo-liberal policies and the agricultural sector with high importance socioeconomically has entered into a conversion. The aim of this study is to examine the process of transformation and change in this historical context, to examine the transformation of the agricultural sector in Turkey.


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How to Cite
Bingöl, Şerife. (2020). Yeni Kapitalizm ve Türkiye’de Tarım Sektörünün Dönüşümü. conomics iterature, 2(2), 186-188.
Briefs of Dissertations